First Christian Church of Kingsport

  • First Christian Church was founded as a part of the Stone-Campbell movment of the early 1800's.   This "Restoration Movement" had the goal of uniting Christians on the Bible and the Bible alone.   To that end we operate under these ideals:
  • We have no creed but Christ
  • We have no authoritative book but the Bible
  • We strive to be Christians only, but certainly not the only Christians
  • We strive to live by the tenants of one of the early church fathers:  

              In matters of faith, unity

              In matters of opinion, liberty

              In all things, love



Find out more about our people and the history of First Christian Church of Kingsport.

Simply Christians
Here's a 12 page reprint that will help you know more about where the independent Christian Churches are coming from . .
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